Saturday, March 10, 2012

Logging Jillian Michaels' DVDs into My Fitness Pal

How to track Jillian Michaels DVDs in MFP

The Biggest Winner Series(all) = cardio @ high intensity
30 Day Shred = circuit training
No More Trouble Zones = circuit training
Banish Fat Boost Metabolism = cardio @ high intensity
TBL Power Sculpt = circuit training
TBL Last Chance Workout = circuit training
Yoga Meltdown = circuit training
Shred-It = circuit training (use a kettlebell or dumbbell)
6 Week 6 Pack = strength (so you can track each exercise in the workout)
Ripped in 30 = circuit training

Friday, February 24, 2012

Mini plank challenge

Mini plank challenge

30 seconds x plank

15 seconds x hold up left leg

15 seconds x hold up right leg

30 seconds x plank

30 seconds rest

30 seconds x plank

15 seconds x pulse left leg

15 seconds x pulse right leg

30 seconds x plank

Friday, February 17, 2012

Weekly Workout Calendar

I've really been struggling lately with trying to psych myself up to workout &/or run. I haven't ran in 2 weeks- just haven't felt like it.
I recently learned about Jillian Michaels' new workout DVD set (Body Revolution). It looks AMAZING & I WANT IT!!! Was all set to order it (even sold my Insanity set!) when I realized that it was stupid to spend the money right now, with my husband being laid off & all. So, instead, I bought him his Birthday present since I usually suck at his presents & he does do awesome with mine. I still hope to be able to buy it soon.
For the time being, I figured I would try to come up w/ my own workout schedule that revolves around the JM DVDs that I already own. The only one missing is the 30 Day Shred, but I pretty much detest that DVD so I didn't include it. Maybe I will if I stick to this & need some livening up.

Short run
Extreme Shed & Shred

Short run/elliptical(?)
Pilates class

Spin class?
Scheduled run
Zumba class

6 Week Six Pack

Spin class?
Scheduled run
Shred It w/Weights

Yoga Meltdown

Scheduled long run

As much as I would LOVE to be able to stick to this, I know my track record & IT STINKS. I'll be impressed if I keep this up for a week!
The session for spin class hasn't started yet, either. I signed up for both days (at 6:15am! We'll see if I can get out of bed!) just in case I miss one or the other. And, of course, I won't be able to make either if my husband goes back to work.

Friday, February 3, 2012

2 days after my kettlebell workout...

And I still sit, stand & walk with pain. Oy! The millions of squats in the workout killed my thighs & butt!

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Kettlebell 2.1.2012

Hurray for January being behind us! Happy February!
I've had to set up a standing appointment for Tuesday nights so I don't think I'll be going back toy cross training class. I'm thinking I'll sign up for the kettlebell class that will be starting in a few weeks. I went to my #1 happy place, Target (#2 is Whole Foods), today & bought a kettlebell. 10lbs because I'm not sure I can handle the 15lb one yet. The selection kinda sucked (would have liked a 12lb one) but I had a gift card so I just bought a Bob Harper one. Which was cool because it came with a DVD. If bedtime ever gets here, I want to pop it in & try out my new weight. :)

Sunday, January 29, 2012

8 week Biggest Loser-type challenge fundraiser!

Do a search for it on Facebook: TNT Biggest Loser Weight Loss Challenge
I'm super excited to get it started! There's still a few weeks to join the group. Joining, however, does not automatically sign you up for the challenge, so you can join the group & check it out before committing to it. :)
It's $25 to join, with $15 going to my fundraising & $10 going into the pot. The person with the highest percentage of weight loss after the 8 weeks ins the pot. The more people to join, the bigger the pot! :)

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Miserable. Horrendous. Ridiculous. 1.25.2012

That was my lame attempt at running 3 miles after not running in almost a week & a half. Sigh.
At least the chubby squirrels were cute! :)

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Well, it happened tonight...

My husband is gone for a Tool concert, so I had to take the kids to the gym with me so I could go to my cross training class. It's a giant pain to get them ready to go & I would have just stayed home but I missed last week so I forced myself to go.
I was proud of myself because I got us all ready & out the door on time (this NEVER happens!). At the childcare area, M immediately started crying. Ugh. I just hoped that he would stop after a few minutes.
Get to class & get started. I think we warmed up for about 10 minutes (which had me gasping!) & then we grabbed our weights & step blocks. About 10 minutes in, I looked up to see a gym worker walk in. Straight towards me. I really hoped she was going to someone else but, nope. :/ She told me that BOTH boys were now crying. Ugh. So I put all my equipment away & got the kids. R had grabbed the backpack off the hook & was sniffing. Poor guy. I just think he had a long day with speech & preschool. And M? Well, he's a total Mama's boy!

To make up for it, I opened up my brand new Brooke Burke DVD (just got it today!). I have to say, Wow! Not a crazy intense workout- I mean, I have tons of Jillian Michaels DVDs & even Insanity. But I think this had the best ab workout on it that I've done in a long time.
And in running news... *snort* I haven't ran since last Sunday. Not the Sunday that was 2 days ago- the Sunday before that. Ugh. Hope to get a run in tomorrow.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Upcycled tshirt bracelets

They are super cute! I'll be selling them for only a couple of dollars in my Running 4 Linda Etsy shop. Anything to raise money for an amazing cause!

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

1st Cross Training class

Holy. Crap. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I got my butt handed to me. I ran 3 miles in the early afternoon, since it was so gorgeous. I shouldn't have. I will definitely not be running on Tuesdays, so I can be ready for cross training!
We started off with drills of running back & forth across the studio, high knee skipping, crossing in/ behind the other foot, etc. After 10 minutes, i was looking at the clock, hoping that an hour had already gone by! Then we jumped right into sort of boxing sequences. I have HORRIBLE rhythm & no sense of direction! So, basically, I was always going the opposite direction of everyone. :) And then, just as I would get the hang of it, our teacher would add something on. During this, I was constantly sneaking peeks at the clock- I swear it moved in slow motion!
From there, we grabbed weights & a mat. We did push ups (well, I did my girlie ones. I SUCK at push ups! No upper body strength! We then did lunges while holding weights above our heads, tricep curls, bicep curls, dead lifts & about 3 others. We did this sequence about 6 or 7 times. I wanted to collapse!
And then we finally got to cool down & stretch. Whew! It really showed me just how out of shape I am. I have tons of confidence that this class will help with my running!
Tomorrow?n I don't think I'll be able to move without being in pain. :) I'll definitely be keeping it low key & just doing some yoga!

Monday, January 9, 2012

Classes started back up at the Y today! Yay!

I'm not sure when the Summer season starts up for TNT but I think it's at the end of the month. I feel like my running has been horrendous lately so I really need to get my booty in gear. I want to rock in San Diego! So I made sure to sign up for new classes at the Y: Pilates, just because I've been wanting to take it & it always fills up super fast (I left a reminder in my phone so I remembered what day sign up started so that I would definitely get a spot!) & Cross Training. That one has me crazy nervous! I've never done a class like that, with people actually working hard & having to feel like I really have to keep up! Hopefully I won't make myself look like a total wreck- I just want to be able to sort of keep up without looking like I'm going to puke or pass out. Fingers crossed!!! I'm just really hoping that these classes help with running. And, of course, I'll be running, too! My husband got laid off unexpectedly (sigh... It sucks) so I'm thinking I'll have a bit more flexibility as to when I can get out & run. Hopefully his lay off won't be for long, though. I can't stand Michigan. :/
Oh well... I'm coming up with more fundraising ideas & have high hopes for them. I mean, I have to raise $2900! :)

Sunday, January 1, 2012

I attempted 8 miles yesterday...

And failed miserably. I think I did about 5.5 miles, with quite a few walking breaks. Oy!
Can't wait to get back into a set training schedule!