Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Detroit 1/2 Marathon weekend 10.15-16.2011

Waiting for the People Mover to go to the expo to pick up our race packets

Score! We're officially ready!

Early morning Team In Training group shot!

Crazy blurry starting line picture

Detroit 1/2 Marathon 10.16.2011

Early morning. Cold. Lined up & waiting to start!Coming out of the tunnel from Canada!


Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Today I ran in the rain

A torrential downpour/thunderstorm, to be exact!
I had less than a mile to go & was waiting to cross the main road by our house. In the minute that I waited, a few raindrops fell... and then the sky opened up. There was nothing gradual about it!
I was totally fine with it since I was so close to home but the thunder & lightning totally scared me. Let me tell you, though, it rained HARD. I could barely see while I ran. At one point, I heard someone yell & saw a guy standing in his garage, waving me over for shelter but I just smiled & waved. :)
My poor husband kept calling me but, since my phone is touchscreen & it got wet when I took it out of my SpiBelt, I couldn't answer it.
Finally made it home, where I realized too late that I hadn't stopped my Garmin so it threw off my pace. Grrr!
And now my legs kill because I've ran like crap (read: barely ran)the last week & a 1/2.

No motivation to run

I skipped group run on Saturday & figured I would do the 8 miles by running on the bike path & into the beach. Nope. Woke up feeling crappy but crazy guilty so I ran a mile on the treadmill. The incline on it is either 10% or 20%, so it kicks my butt & way slows me down. After doing a 17 minute mile, I decided to at least run a bit outside. Ran 2 miles & was done.
Why didn't I just go to group run?!?!
Didn't run the scheduled 2 miles on Sunday because I felt like crap. Didn't run yesterday to make it up.
Set my alarm to run this morning & just had NO desire to run. Crawled back in bed & fell back to sleep. :(. My hubs is working nights this week, so I'm thinking I'll run later today, once he wakes up. At least, that's my plan.
I have no idea what happened!

Monday, August 8, 2011

Please pass this on!


My fundraising shop. Which is ONLY for fundraising. 100% of the sales (not including shipping) goes towards my Team In Training fundraising. 100%. For real.

With only 1 month left until the fundraising deadline, I'm getting nervous! So please check it out, repost, etc! :)

Thursday, August 4, 2011

This week has been a total wash

It's Thursday. I haven't ran since SUNDAY. Tuesday? Sick. Wednesday? Still feeling like crap. Wednesday night? My awesome husband bought me a treadmill so he didn't have to continue listening to me moan about how I needed one due to weather (last week was a semi wash- seriously, it poured the majority of the week), time constraints (it's very difficult for me to get 4 miles in BEFORE he leaves for work in the morning), etc. So this way, I can run while it feels like a sauna outside, while it pours or after he's already left for work! I'm super excited! :)

In other news, I am OFFICIALLY signed up for the 1/2 marathon! Woohoo!

Only 1 more month of fundraising left- YIKES!

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Adios, toenail!

I'm now 1 toenail short. Do you think that will make me run faster? :)
It was pretty gross while I pulled it off (it was dead & came off easily) but also strangely fascinating. Underneath was (well, IS) either a blood blister or nasty bruise. Yuck!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Well, it's official

My teammate, Jess, & I have switched to the Detroit Free Press 1/2 Marathon in Detroit. Time has been flying by & we're just not bringing in the donations like we had hoped. :/ I'm really bummed about it but there's always next year for San Francisco. At least with Detroit being so close to my house, I can have my husband bring up the kids (well, maybe just the 3 year old) to cheer me on.

Toe update: OWWW! I've been soaking it in Epsom salt baths. However, on Sunday, I was clipping the nail back even more & must have knicked the blister, causing it to pop. So now it's not all purple but the nail is cloudy (does this mean I'm going to lose it???) & it HURTS. The only time it doesn't hurt is when I have band aids on it but I try to air it out for a little bit each day. And then that's when it kills. Pffft.
Oh & I have shin splints. They hurt. Of course, they're worse in my right leg (the same side as THE toe). I've been scouring the interwebz & found a leg ice wrap I like so I'll be ordering that to put on for after my runs.

Monday, July 11, 2011

I went to bed at Midnight last night

And woke up at 5:15 to go running. I seriously thought "What the HECK am I doing?!" & then continued to lay in bed because I thought it was still too dark out & I don't have any reflective gear to wear.
I finally started running at about 5:50 & headed to the school track (across the street). As soon as I got to it, I wanted to leave. I DETEST running on the track. I feel like a hamster on a wheel & am instantly bored the second I step on it. Everything I've read has said to learn to love the track, so I stayed. Luckily I only had to run 2 miles (was actually supposed to do it yesterday but had a migraine).
Now, it's ridiculously hot & humid out & I have a ton of things to do but no energy. Plus, the kids are actually playing quietly & I just want to enjoy that!

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Please check this out!

Yep, another Etsy store. I now have 3 (although my cloth diaper store is on an extended vacation). This shop, however, will be strictly for fundraising. 50% of all sales will go towards my Team In Training fundraising.


This was a reward to myself. I love it. :) I had been using the Nike+ but don't miss it at all.

Feeling like a "real" runner :)

Why? I have a blister on my left foot & something awful going on with my 2nd toe on my right foot. I initially thought the nail was going to fall off but now I don't know what's going on with it. Lately, it seems to really be ramming into my shoe while running & it KILLS after. I cut my nails super short (not like insanely short or anything) in hopes that that would help, but it doesn't seem like it has. In fact, after my run this morning, I checked out my poor throbbing toe & it looks like there is a blood blister under it. Ouch! I Googled it & it looks like it's a pretty common runner problem. Ah, well.
Speaking of feeling like a real runner, today was the 1st time that I got up & ran before my husband left for work. I was scheduled to run 2 miles, so I figured I could I could get that done rather quickly. I don't think I'll be doing my longer runs in the morning, though. I like my sleep! :)
This Saturday's group run is 6 miles- eek! Then 7, then 8, then 9. Super eek!

Saturday, June 25, 2011

1st 5 miler this morning!

Whew! Glad it was a group run, even though I didn't really see any of the other runners. Just knowing that they're nearby motivates me. Everytime we up the mileage (every 2 weeks), the new number really psyches me out. So it's nice to know that our coach is around, as well as our mentor.
Today was also the 1st time we ran by the zoo- very cool! Plus, I could hear the dinosaurs from the Dinosauria exhibit (going there next week!). :) The area has gorgeous homes & the streets are nice & quiet.
Tomorrow starts our 2 mile Sunday runs (we've been doing 1 mile). No more thinking "Meh, it's just a quick 1 mile run". Although, that in itself is insane that it's coming from me, the non-runner! :) I cannot wait to be like "Pssh- 5 miles? No biggie!". Slowly getting there! And actually, lately, it seems like my legs aren't the ones complaining about the runs- they seem to have caught on quite well. It's my lungs & not being able to catch my breath or take deep breaths. Still very much a work in progress!
Also a work in progress? Fundraising. That seems to be at a standstill. Ugh.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Running while on vacation

We stayed with my Aunt & her husband, who live near Dallas, Texas. There is a HUGE & gorgeous nature preserve by their house with lots of paved trails. HILLY trails! There was no way I was going to take pictures after our run- I looked like a hot mess! :)

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Running is frustrating

I ran my 1st 4 miler today. I was supposed to do it yesterday, but since we didn't get home from vacation super late Friday night, we all slept in (myself, my husband & both kids). No worries- we needed it & I was still sick with a cold.
I was antsy to make it up today since I didn't want to make myself too far behind (today's schedule called for a 1 mile run). I still wasn't feeling that good, but forced myself. It definitely wasn't as bad as I thought it would be but there was definitely quite a bit of walking involved.
It's frustrating, though, because I see people posting on Facebook with their numerous miles ran or when I read running blogs where the writer casually posts about running 10+ miles that morning. I know I haven't been running very long (only, what? 2 months?) but I want to be good! I want to be able to effortlessly run far distances! I want to say that I ran 6 miles & not think anything of it! I know I'll get there & I know it takes time but, man, is it frustrating having to build up endurance.
I'll get there, right?!?

Monday, May 30, 2011

Finally got in my 1st 3 miler today

It was scheduled for Saturday, but I wasn't able to do it. Yesterday's schedule was 1 mile (the 1st Sunday run scheduled) but I couldn't do that, either. Finally felt better this morning, so I headed over to the highschool track about 10:30, before it got too hot. Or so I thought- it was HOT. And the track has NO shade (except for a tiny smidge of a corner). I had to slow to a walk several times. And a bit after a mile, my left calf was seriously bugging me so I stopped to stretch it. Only to hit my iPod somehow & end my workout (curses!!!). Argh! So I had to start all over. It was my 1st time running w/ a handheld water bottle (I believe it's called Amphibian?) & it didn't really bug me, except when I held it in my left hand (??? Maybe because I'm right handed?). I quickly found out that I couldn't actually take drinks because then I felt like I was going to puke. I had to take a sip & spit it out.
It felt like it took forever, but I finally got it done. How did it only take a bit over a 1/2 hour? It felt like it took over an hour!
Tomorrow's schedule is 2 miles & it's supposed to be even hotter. Yech. Then, hopefully, I'll make up Sunday's 1 mile on Wednesday.
Happy Memorial Day!

"Run" Hand stamped cuff

50% of sales from the Team In Training section of my Etsy shop go towards my fundraising goal

www.maxingtonbear.etsy.com New bracelets added periodically


Saturday, May 28, 2011

Team In Training Fundraiser! Bondi Bands!!!

All proceeds go towards my goal of raising $3,200 for The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society's Team In Training. Please email me at maxingtonbear @ yahoo.com (remove spaces) if there is a Band you like. $8 if bought local, $10 if being shipped. And don't forget to check out my Maxington Bear Etsy shop for hand stamped jewelry- my Team In Training section has items with 50% of sales going towards my goal! www.maxingtonbear.etsy.com

Will run for...

(#8 is sold)


Shiny #1

Shiny #2


Bondi Bands fundraiser!

All proceeds go towards my goal of raising $3,200 for The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society's Team In Training. Please email me at maxingtonbear @ yahoo.com (remove spaces) if there is a Band you like. $8 if bought local, $10 if being shipped. And don't forget to check out my Maxington Bear Etsy shop for hand stamped jewelry- my Team In Training section has items with 50% of sales going towards my goal! http://www.maxingtonbear.etsy.com/

Plain #1

Plain #2


Floral #1

Floral #2

Bondi Bands Fundraiser! For sale now!

All proceeds go towards my goal of raising $3,200 for The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society's Team In Training. Please email me at maxingtonbear @ yahoo.com (remove spaces) if there is a Band you like. $8 if bought local, $10 if being shipped. And don't forget to check out my Maxington Bear Etsy shop for hand stamped jewelry- my Team In Training section has items with 50% of sales going towards my goal! http://www.maxingtonbear.etsy.com/

Peace signs

Assorted #1

Assorted #2

Assorted #3

Animal prints

So I didn't run my 3 miles today...

A big ol' thumbs down.
I woke up at 2am, 4:30am (when I got up to let the dogs out, feed the dogs & cats, let the dogs out AGAIN & then go into M's room to change & rock him since he had woken up & was screaming) & then couldn't fall back asleep until after 6. My alarm went off at 7:45. I was supposed to meet up with my training partner, Jess, but was having a hard time getting out of bed. I felt like I had been hit by a bus & my throat was doing this super annoying scratchy thing. My husband finally told me that I was staying home. And he was right- I needed to. Sigh. So I cut up a clove of garlic & downed the pieces (this is supposed to cut illness time. Dunno if it did anything). Went to the farmers market with R, who got to pick out a cookie, while I bought a huge jar of local honey, some fresh pastries & homemade rye bread. Yummmm...
And then I pretty much laid on the couch & ate all day. Seriously, I was constantly eating. Constantly. And nothing healthy. Blech.
It's now after 9pm & I still feel like crud. I was hoping to get my 3 miles in tomorrow but I really don't see that happening at this point. Sigh.

Bondi Bands have arrived!!!

Friday, May 27, 2011


I purchased a foam roller today.
Since I started running, I've become a smidge obsessed w/ reading running blogs (ok, maybe VERY obsessed!). One thing that kept popping up was proclaimations of love for foam rollers. Many people said that they wished they had started using one as a preventative measure so I decided I needed one. Because, you know, I read things & suddenly HAVE TO HAVE THEM. :)
So I found that Walmart sells them & they're inexpensive. I packed the kids up (right before lunch & all 3 of us still under the weather from colds) & off we went. Found the rollers right away & also came home w/ 2 new Hot Wheels (there is no such thing as too many Hot Wheels in this house!) & an open box of Annie's graham cracker bunnies (because that's what happens when you go shopping right before lunch!).
As soon as I got M down for his nap (sadly, R, my 3 year old, no longer naps. *sob*), I ripped the roller out of its plastic & looked over the enclosed instructions. I had originally got it to help loosen tight IT bands (which supposedly get super tight from running), but there are quite a few other ways to use it. I tried out the stretch for the IT bands &, holy cow, did it HURT! It says to pause 30-45 seconds on each painful spot but I couldn't last that long. Afterward, though, my legs seriously felt amazing. I honestly didn't think I was really needing it yet, since I've only been running for a bit, but it really made a difference. I'm excited to continue using it & feel the relief!

And last but not least, my 1st 3 miler is tomorrow. I don't know why, but this number makes me totally nervous. I'm running it w/ my training partner (no group run since it's Memorial Day weekend) & I really think I'm going to need her support. My fingers are crossed that we both do well!

Thursday, May 26, 2011


Got out & did my 2 miles today- mostly in the rain. Thankfully it was a light rain. I definitely shouldn't have ran yesterday- my legs were not happy with me today. Definitely not a great run!
I plan on purchasing a foam roller for my legs since I keep hearing how great they are for massaging/loosening tight muscles. My left calf has been bugging me since I started running & no amount of stretching helps it.
Tomorrow is most definitely going to be a rest day for me. 3 miles on Saturday & I'm psyching myself out (Bad, Stefanie, Bad!!!). Last Saturday's 2 miles were awesome but doing them this week has been bleh.
And, seriously- the rain & storms need to STOP!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

All together now: Awwwww!

We have a chalkboard cloud on our fridge & it usually just has random notes/reminders on it. I noticed the other night, though, that my husband had written me a note on it (which he's never done before). Please forgive his atrocious grammar! :)
And below that is my May training schedule for TNT! We just started 2 weeks ago, so we've been running 3 days a week (Tues. & Thurs., with Saturday being our group run). Like I said, this Saturday we will run 3 miles & then Sunday is the start of us running on Sundays. Gradually, we'll build up to running 5 days a week. !!!

All day thunderstorms & 2 sick kids

Those are the reasons why I had to get out of the house today & run for a bit, even though it was supposed to be a rest/stretch day. Seriously, it rained 99% of the day today. At one point, right after my 1 year old, M, went down for a nap, it stopped raining & I hurriedly got ready to go out. Only to open the front door & be greeted by a DOWNPOUR. ::banghead:: I'm leery to run in the rain because I've read that the Nike+ shoe sensor can get messed up if your shoe gets too wet. Which is why I totally need a Garmin, but that is still a LOOOOOONG way off!
It finally stopped raining a bit after 8pm & it was still light out so I took off for the Highschool track. Which is literally just across the street from our house. It was pretty craptastic- my legs felt like lead for most of it. And when I did slow to a walk at one point, it really took me a lot to get going again. Meh. Oh, well. I got out of the house for a smidge, right? I had felt antsy all day, but I think that was because of all the caffeine I had drank to counteract the blah feelings from the terribly dreary day. I must have had 3 or 4 cups of tea (totally not a coffee person!).
Tomorrow is 2 miles & then Saturday is my 1st 3 miler! Oh, man!

Monday, May 23, 2011

More fundraisers on the horizon!

Hopefully this week, I'll receive a shipment of 100 assorted Bondi Band headbands. My 1st one was purchased from another Mom who is involved with TNT & was selling them as a fundraiser. They ROCK! Seriously. They're lightweight & wick sweat away nicely. Plus, they have fun sayings on them. :) I may have to buy a few more from my fundraising stash!
Once I return from Texas (mid-June), I'll be doing a Little Caesar pizza kit fundraiser. Of course, this is only for people in my area, but my husband is super excited. In fact, I mainly did this for him- he LOVES the pizza kits!
My other fundraiser (also local) will be a pole dancing class, sometime in July or August. Apparently things pick up during the summer since it's bachelorette party season, so I'm letting the studio owner figure out when works best for her. :) I'm sorta super excited about that one!
And, of course, I have my letters to send out. I think I have my letter pretty much set- just have to address the envelopes & send them out. I'm scared. I seriously hate asking people for money & I'm nervous to send them out to all these people who I haven't spoken with in ages. I think I'm just nervous that they'll either be like "Who the heck is this person & WHY does she want my money?!" or "I haven't seen/talked to her in ages! Who does she think she is, hitting me up for money?!". I have to keep reminding myself that it's not like I'll see them when they open the letter, so I just have to push it all from my mind.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

My 1st crack at fundraising

Please check out my Maxington Bear shop on Etsy- specifically, the Team In Training section! 50% of every sale will go towards my fundraising goal of $3,200.

New items will be added, so check back often!

Official 1st post!

It's taken me a while to get around to actually writing my first post- I've been busy learning how to run! :) Seriously, I've had to learn how to run. It may come naturally to some, but not to me!
I started with the Couch to 5K (C25K) program, which is awesome & really starts you out slow. Even still, I was gasping & panting & felt like my lungs would burst after the allotted 20 minutes.
Then, I joined Team In Training with my friend, Jessica. The coaches are amazing & they give you a nice schedule to follow! I'm really excited to see how things go!