Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Adios, toenail!

I'm now 1 toenail short. Do you think that will make me run faster? :)
It was pretty gross while I pulled it off (it was dead & came off easily) but also strangely fascinating. Underneath was (well, IS) either a blood blister or nasty bruise. Yuck!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Well, it's official

My teammate, Jess, & I have switched to the Detroit Free Press 1/2 Marathon in Detroit. Time has been flying by & we're just not bringing in the donations like we had hoped. :/ I'm really bummed about it but there's always next year for San Francisco. At least with Detroit being so close to my house, I can have my husband bring up the kids (well, maybe just the 3 year old) to cheer me on.

Toe update: OWWW! I've been soaking it in Epsom salt baths. However, on Sunday, I was clipping the nail back even more & must have knicked the blister, causing it to pop. So now it's not all purple but the nail is cloudy (does this mean I'm going to lose it???) & it HURTS. The only time it doesn't hurt is when I have band aids on it but I try to air it out for a little bit each day. And then that's when it kills. Pffft.
Oh & I have shin splints. They hurt. Of course, they're worse in my right leg (the same side as THE toe). I've been scouring the interwebz & found a leg ice wrap I like so I'll be ordering that to put on for after my runs.

Monday, July 11, 2011

I went to bed at Midnight last night

And woke up at 5:15 to go running. I seriously thought "What the HECK am I doing?!" & then continued to lay in bed because I thought it was still too dark out & I don't have any reflective gear to wear.
I finally started running at about 5:50 & headed to the school track (across the street). As soon as I got to it, I wanted to leave. I DETEST running on the track. I feel like a hamster on a wheel & am instantly bored the second I step on it. Everything I've read has said to learn to love the track, so I stayed. Luckily I only had to run 2 miles (was actually supposed to do it yesterday but had a migraine).
Now, it's ridiculously hot & humid out & I have a ton of things to do but no energy. Plus, the kids are actually playing quietly & I just want to enjoy that!

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Please check this out!

Yep, another Etsy store. I now have 3 (although my cloth diaper store is on an extended vacation). This shop, however, will be strictly for fundraising. 50% of all sales will go towards my Team In Training fundraising.


This was a reward to myself. I love it. :) I had been using the Nike+ but don't miss it at all.

Feeling like a "real" runner :)

Why? I have a blister on my left foot & something awful going on with my 2nd toe on my right foot. I initially thought the nail was going to fall off but now I don't know what's going on with it. Lately, it seems to really be ramming into my shoe while running & it KILLS after. I cut my nails super short (not like insanely short or anything) in hopes that that would help, but it doesn't seem like it has. In fact, after my run this morning, I checked out my poor throbbing toe & it looks like there is a blood blister under it. Ouch! I Googled it & it looks like it's a pretty common runner problem. Ah, well.
Speaking of feeling like a real runner, today was the 1st time that I got up & ran before my husband left for work. I was scheduled to run 2 miles, so I figured I could I could get that done rather quickly. I don't think I'll be doing my longer runs in the morning, though. I like my sleep! :)
This Saturday's group run is 6 miles- eek! Then 7, then 8, then 9. Super eek!