Saturday, June 25, 2011

1st 5 miler this morning!

Whew! Glad it was a group run, even though I didn't really see any of the other runners. Just knowing that they're nearby motivates me. Everytime we up the mileage (every 2 weeks), the new number really psyches me out. So it's nice to know that our coach is around, as well as our mentor.
Today was also the 1st time we ran by the zoo- very cool! Plus, I could hear the dinosaurs from the Dinosauria exhibit (going there next week!). :) The area has gorgeous homes & the streets are nice & quiet.
Tomorrow starts our 2 mile Sunday runs (we've been doing 1 mile). No more thinking "Meh, it's just a quick 1 mile run". Although, that in itself is insane that it's coming from me, the non-runner! :) I cannot wait to be like "Pssh- 5 miles? No biggie!". Slowly getting there! And actually, lately, it seems like my legs aren't the ones complaining about the runs- they seem to have caught on quite well. It's my lungs & not being able to catch my breath or take deep breaths. Still very much a work in progress!
Also a work in progress? Fundraising. That seems to be at a standstill. Ugh.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Running while on vacation

We stayed with my Aunt & her husband, who live near Dallas, Texas. There is a HUGE & gorgeous nature preserve by their house with lots of paved trails. HILLY trails! There was no way I was going to take pictures after our run- I looked like a hot mess! :)

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Running is frustrating

I ran my 1st 4 miler today. I was supposed to do it yesterday, but since we didn't get home from vacation super late Friday night, we all slept in (myself, my husband & both kids). No worries- we needed it & I was still sick with a cold.
I was antsy to make it up today since I didn't want to make myself too far behind (today's schedule called for a 1 mile run). I still wasn't feeling that good, but forced myself. It definitely wasn't as bad as I thought it would be but there was definitely quite a bit of walking involved.
It's frustrating, though, because I see people posting on Facebook with their numerous miles ran or when I read running blogs where the writer casually posts about running 10+ miles that morning. I know I haven't been running very long (only, what? 2 months?) but I want to be good! I want to be able to effortlessly run far distances! I want to say that I ran 6 miles & not think anything of it! I know I'll get there & I know it takes time but, man, is it frustrating having to build up endurance.
I'll get there, right?!?